Sudionici ALL DIGITAL Summita

Croatian Digital Literacy Network was formed with the general goal of strengthening cross-sectoral cooperation and building the capacity of stakeholders from the civil, public and private sectors for research and development of the digital society in Croatia. The Network conducts scientific research and, based on their results, develops policy guidelines for the development of digital inclusion, digital education and digital transformation of work and occupations.

During the project, 18 scientific and 4 professional articles were published. 5 surveys of public opinion and social needs were conducted and 8 guidelines were drawn up for the creators of public policies for the development of digital literacy in formal and non-formal education. Part of the recommendations from the guidelines has been incorporated into the national strategic documents.

When adopting policies for the development of citizens’ digital competences, i.e. encouraging targeted education and training for the formation and strengthening of digital literacy, special attention will be paid to the elderly, people with disabilities and others with a lower level of digital literacy.

Croatian Digital Strategy
for the period until 2032

The network currently has 37 members. The activities of the Network are organised within the working group for digital citizenship, digital education, digital transformation of work and professions, digital talents, digital branding and digital research and development, within which the Network has opened Media Lab.

Digital teacher education programs will include the development of competencies in team project learning, critical analysis of information, digital storytelling, programming, and the design, processing, and distribution of multimedia content on the Internet.

National Education Development Plan
for the period until 2027

The Network organised two national conferences on the topic of digital inclusion in February 2022 and May 2023, one conference on the topic of digital transformation of education in June 2023, and participated in the organisation of the ALL DIGITAL Summit in September 2023. In cooperation with the thematic network for the development of media literacy, the Summer School of Digital Creativity was organised in September 2022.

The Network was created as part of the project, which started on October 29, 2020. and lasted until October 28, 2023. The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund in the amount of 477.652 EUR.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund

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